Monday, October 13, 2008


The Dow(n) Jones Index.  5 day chart.  Courtesy of yahoofinance.  If you ask me..we're still fucked, even though it went up 930 points today. My kids are going to be paying back this 700 billion dollar bailout plan.  Thats a lot of money to be pulling out of their ass.  Roughly there's 300 million people living in the United States., 20% of which are the age of 0 - 14 and the other 80% 15 - 65.  They should've just given everyone ages 15-65 $3,000 (80% of 300mill is 240mill, 700bill/240mill) of which we would either put back into the economy due to our heavy consumer habits or some would just put it in their banks in which we are trying to save.  Now thats a stimulus plan.  Don't you wish it could be that easy?

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